Since this is one of my favourite things i wrote and didnt get much attention to it, i am reposting it. My sole purpose on writing on such sensitive topics like this are just to evoke your minds to start thinking 'outside the box'...that is if u havent started already. Just that you all know...my dad hates this one piece i wrote and doesnt agree with it. Am i glad about the ´system of democracy now. 'Freedom of speech' to be in particular.:))
Your baby daughter, who would actually be celebrating her 20th birthday in 2 weeks comes home at 22:00 on a Saturday back from no pub or disco but from a friends place 10 minutes away. Well back home, the reaction is fuming, the father embarrasses her in front her friend who accompanied her. What seemed like an innocent walk to get some fresh air, turned into this question of ‘self-esteem and trust. So when asked, what was that all about ‘they simply nod and say Parenting’!!! What is parenting? Yelling at your kids because they are a little late or imposing rules on them which are actually doing no good. In my words, its just paving a tarred road to hell because 60% of it tends be a lie.
Today in India we talk about no gender differences, equality to one and all. We always read this in the papers, raise our eyebrows, nod to the thought and turn on. So why is that guys never get questioned but we girls do. Yes, yes my folks tell me that it’s all for my own safety and we are not mature enough to take care ourselves. But please somebody tell me, when do we finally grow up. This so called possessiveness that parents talk about is in fact making us all ‘frogs in the well’. We are all aware about the story, I am sure!! I am purely typing this from a girl’s perspective. Although I think in some cases it might be applicable to the opposite sex as well. Parents bring us up here, always with a difference/discrimination and expect us to fight and succeed in a man’s world. Where in some families, talking to a guy is considered to be a taboo. Please don’t think it’s pathetic but it’s sadly the truth.
Why is that ‘Parenting, is always seen from a 40 or 50 years old perspective and never from a 19 or 20 years old ones. Are we that dumb to have no perspective at all? I thought parenting was all about making us youngsters responsible and help in building a better tomorrow. Where is tomorrow when I have to face 10 thousand questions about going out. Freedom makes us stronger and more responsible. Why is freedom always seen in a negative perspective in our country? How come nobody listens to us? Just because parents are 20 or 30 years older to us, that doesn’t mean, whatever they say must be the ‘etched words on Roman walls’. I know experience and seeing life counts but how do you expect someone to learn to ride a bicycle without expecting him/her to fall.
21st century, everything’s changed. Globalisation, internet, fast food, nano technology and what not. Listen to me, nothings changed, you see two or three malls coming up in your neighbourhoods, that’s it! Being in certain families we have no say and always live under fear. Lie to cover up all the truth. So its always amusing to read through issues about open healthy relationships between parents and kids only in magazines but hardly anyone gives a though to it. I remember reading in my primary classes that Gandhi said something, that read ‘ At 00:00 O’clock when a girl could walk the streets of India without fear, is when it would be pronounced as a free nation’. I guess that way India would never be termed ‘free’. For Christ’s sake bringing up a girl is always such a chaos. Everything has to be different and complicated. Why? I know it’s a big bad world out there but don’t we have to face it at one point or the other. Why not earlier than later? Life is not always walk on bed of roses. We are born into this harsh reality by chance not choice. Rising, falling, loving, getting hurt are all a part and parcel, why not let us live this reality earlier than later. Does holding on to us make the process any easier or colourful?
Parenting most people forget is not about setting rules and always proving that you are right but sitting down and cleaning your ear wax to ‘listen’. One person doesn’t always get to say where to draw the line. Accidents happen, sad things have happened to people earlier but that is no excuse to have your kids locked away forever from the ever growing world. We literally have to beg for permission for days to go on a school/college excursion. When do we see that freedom? When are we termed responsible? Can you guys please let us fall a few times to get us riding our ways through our lives? You folks are not going to hang around us forever will you? Welcome to the world of reality!! Isn’t it time already to let go a bit and reduce on the restrictions, yelling, nagging and questioning. I have a choice, I don’t have live with this forever I fly to Germany in 2 weeks to go on with my fourth semester but my life is no different for me when I am here for my vacations. Being in two continents, two nations, two cultures sadly I see the bigger picture and realise the difference. I speak for all those who are reading this and nodding, who are just sick of listening and now wanna talk !!! So will you please let us ‘Grow up’!
11 Kommentare:
hi, am back - for better or for worse - u decide :)
whoa, pretty sensitive issue you touched upon here. I guess u raise quite a few valid points. Before I get into any discussion on the issue of parenting i'd just like to clear sth about the discrimination on the basis of sex in India - dear lady its no longer a man-dominated world - women are enjoying more than ever back home. I won't get into the details but believe me, its turning out to be quite contrary to common supposition.
Now to the main course :) Yaar you've gotta understand one thing, its really difficult for people to mould their belief system so late into their lives, something you've lived with can't simply disappear. Just consider this, how less flexible are you to change right now at the age of 21 than you were when you were, lets say..15? As you progress thru life, your ideologies get fixated. I am not advocating any restrictions being levied on you or anybody else, but just saying that its not the parents' fault either. I know we need freedom at a young age, and believe me I am all for it, but it wouldn't hurt you just to listen to them and trying to explain the whole situation. I know you'll say you already did :) but then i'll have to say ..hard luck ;)
Remember one thing tho in the midst of all this irritation...ur parents sent you all the way to Germany to study .... they let go of their notions for you ... hope you could acknowledge that on their behalf :)
I totally DO!! I love my folks they are the best...Acknowledge them..the ultimate but i havent written this only from my persceptive but from wat i have seen around,whenever i am around. I think i have taken lives of my friend and my sis more into account here rather mine. About women takin the top notch, yeah sure...but in a board u still see 10 men and 3 women. Thats the truth! Agree with wat u are tryin to say but like u mentioned its sensitive and there is no right or wrong this Issue!
But i need to say...thanks a lot for commenting.Nice to know somebody reads your articles and has an opinion on it.
point taken and duly noted .... u can give me the satisfaction of having my blog entries read too once in a while :P
take care :)
Hmm.. I guess I'll answer you with a question. Have you ever waited for somebody you love to come home? phone you? write you? one minute after they are late you start to go mental. For me it's not a question of trust, leaving the kid alone to learn on their mistakes, it's about the fact that nowadays you need to carry a gaz or whatever else in your handbag for your own protection. It's not about not trusting you, but about not trusting those who might hurt you. For me age is not very relevant here.
Hey ania..as always thanks for being a Sweetheart and commenting. I totally agree with you. But age plays a very importnat role in an Indian society. Maybe we will talk about it soon enough!
ania,, must be a counceler, a perpect quastion, and a judjment,narmada should read her coments many times.
it is nothing to do with a self-esteem and trust, or pretty sensitive, it is very simple, be a human or animal,it is mother nature's act,till child takes off its own, it is a duty of a parent
Hey guys, thanks fro your comments, i totally appreciate you commentin in, like i mentioned earlier its a sensitive topic, nobody is right or wrong.What i wrote is purely my opninon and my experience. If your say, do write in and i would comment in:)U all have a nice week ahead!
Nandu, some times I am jealous of you, such a nice motivator dad you have, your back bone is your dad, no complains, no regret,your blog tells you are like any other teenager, but we expect more from you
Mr/Ms.Anonymous, i happy ur J of me..well, watever i wrote is my point of view alright but not instances concerin from my life rather my friends and ppl around me.My dad, i love him soo much! hes the best alright, but wateva at the end of the day i am indeed a 20 yr old brat!aint i?so...no changin the truth
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