So missed me…J my comeback article.
Actually I had sort of lost my motivation to write and nobody came in to ‘push my buttons’. Realised that sometimes for the truth to be discussed, need to the buttons oneself. Well, as usual writing something out of the blue.
Something I saw on CNN a couple days ago took the earth off under my feet. It’s a known fact and nothing new but we all fail to see it. Why??? What did I see and what did u guys miss? Hmmmm…
I think it was in Zimbabwe (not very sure), a small boy of maybe 12 years whose ribs you could count. He was digging a whole in the ground, deep enough to be ones grave. Why was he digging it, well to find food. Well he had no intentions of finding fresh red carrots but in the end found a small mouse. The expression of content filled his face and he fisted the white mouse and ran with joy to show his mum what he had found for dinner. That ‘mouse soup’ you can call it was supposed to feed 4 people in total. The entire family feasted with joy that night. Just coz they had some form of food.
I couldn’t just watch this; I had to turn my head off. The truth is all around us but we all try to look away from it. Why, bother in somebody else’s mess. Nothing to do with me, as long as I have my ‘Cream icing’ served on my cake for dessert. Is it because we don’t really give a damn or because we are helpless in doing anything about it? Only if I could take my ‘Pasta’ that night to this family somewhere in Africa. I see it everyday all over what’s happening but still, some part of the food has to go to the garbage. Its hard to blame myself all alone but it just pains my heart when I see something go into the garbage just coz it is out of its expiration date or we were not in the mood for ‘Broccoli’’ that day. How many of us actually sit at our eating table and have something to complain about it? It’s too tangy; there is no salt in my food, how about some more spice. There is nothing wrong in wanting what we want, but don’t we push it sometimes?
The problem is we all think, that’s not going to happen to us. We are just so ignorant to the fact, that this is a evolving world and one or the other day; our actions are going to affect the future. I did my internship with a cosmetic company and an MNC. Before starting no offense to the company, did indeed have the time of my life working there. These guys have everything to make the best lipstick or mascaras in the world. Well when working in the laboratory we used thin tissues to clean the excess from the beakers or anywhere. The idea is everyday probably half of a tree worth of paper went into the garbage. Print sheets, tissues, writing pads, packaging etc etc. I am usually conscious about the environment, the excess waste around us and stuff. But when I was there, I actually didn’t give a damn. Why, coz nobody else did as well. Everything was available and also in excess. I was under the notion (maybe still am) that can never happen to me. We wont run out of oxygen one day, acid rain wouldn’t burn down everything around us. Nobody knew Tsunami or Hurricane Katrina would happen but it happened. Maybe it’s the signal from nature itself asking us to slow down. But we are nowhere close to it are we? All we do is read about the UNO rules and say ‘what good it can bring?’ As common Homo sapiens, we think its nothing under our control, lets leave it to Mr. Bush (bad idea) or Mandela or someone. As for me, cosy up on my couch and catch up with my work, TV shows or whatever. Well the next time a question like this comes to my mind I say to myself ‘Lady! Lets start with not throwing any of my dinner today into the garbage, switch the TV completely off not leave it on stand by, reuse one-side printed papers, think of saving up some of your shopping money and give to an Orphanage anywhere, also try some weekends doing some self-less work for the kids instead of hitting the dance floor’’. I did say this to myself and actually works, maybe a small step but we all step in together, think ‘what a revolution’ it can bring.
I know it, you know, we all know it…. it’s all out there…we don’t want to see it.
Okay lets try it step by step,
Step 1 - Open our eyes.
‘We are ‘change’ itself, its all in us, lets change in for a better tomorrow.
11 Kommentare:
Well,it's alway nice to know somebody is concerened..
This kind of articles are rare on blogs..
Somebody has to speak out right!!!
Welcome back chica ! good to see ya back in the thick o things :P And oye ! I kept pushin you for the freakin blog (even proposed transfer of ownership ;) ) ! Anyhoo, as always I ain't leavin without writin somethin in !
Eva realised that we get these bolts of realisation ever so often and the sense of urgency for action and the will to do so much more just gushes in without a care in the world. Refering back to so many of your articles - be it on the Independence Day, Rang de Basanti or for the mere fact that you miss India so much, it all filters down to the one thing we Indians lack .. or for that matter .. what we as 'global citizens' lack - and that is the willingness to act out that compassion ! Its really disturbing what all goes on around us, we observe, we sigh, we comment, we discuss, we argue, we shout, we demonstrate but the point of return is always doing the friggin thing itself .. nobody .. and I repeat nobody gives a damn to actually rectifying that situation! I mean c'mon .. I respect the sentiment you have not to throw your food away, to conserve the environment, but kiddo wake up ! This fucked up world ain't ready to listen to ya .. they're happy in their ignorant measly lives ! And even if we conserve the upliftment of the less fortunate ain't gonna happen .. wanna know why .. lemme brief you on a fact .. every year India exports more food abroad than is consumed locally, and still people die of hunger, the US transports immense quantities of food via the UN but that consignment hardly eva reaches the poor and the needy .. why you ask .. tis very elementary, there are a few SOBs (pardon my language here) who are in control and until and unless they ain't rendered powerless .. the struggle shall be in vain .. action is the key here .. and that too well-thought aut and deliberate .. not a rash attempt but a calculated and well-crafted one.
Everything aside, am gonna reiterate what I've been sayin all along .. well written chica .. am happy you're back ! ;)
Hey didn't have time to finish reading your post..I was going through it and read something about motivation..So thought it better to tell that motivation always vanishes after sometime(Refer to my post on MOTIVATION)..SO be determined to blog..Anyways good to see you back at blogging..hope you would keep it going this time :)
When i have readers like you guys, i will try blogging often.
Thanks for the comments and as usual i Kshitij there are things i agree to and as usual lots of the things i dont. Yes the stubborness is one but also the fact that i want to see the glass half full keeps me going. 3 people read this article atleast, so if i got you guys thinking and probably you save some energy in the next couple of days or dont throw away your food or help the needy i thing my job is partly done.
Long way off for a change but we all step in together. i know wht u study...and also how deep u think.. good..guess who?
for get the world ...hunger is rising in india too..when i see so much pain,hunger,poverty,hardship,struggle...the first thing that comes to my mind is..o my god am i just not fortunate to be born where i am and have everything that i want..n not worry abt my next meal.. guess we fail to open r eyes n just see how previleged we all are..:)
thanks for having the courage to open your eyes and to help others see.
and I was thinking whether I should start a Narmada bachao andolan to get you back onto blogging. :)
Nice thought provoking blog. Reminded me of Kevin Carter's pulitzer award winning pic of the sudanese girl being stalked by a vulture.
Btw, I have finished writing the last part of my malabar coast backpacking trip finally. :)
I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be very good.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘Beyond Horizons...’ took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;
BTW I help out some ex-IIMA guys who with another batch mate run where you can post links to your most loved blog-posts. Rambhai was the chaiwala at IIMA and it is a site where users can themselves share links to blog posts etc and other can find and vote on them. The best make it to the homepage!
This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)
Good one..agree with ur views.
btw the boy was not digging a whole..:) XD.
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