Sitting in the comforts of Germany's technological capital of Stuttgart I was watching the movie 'Bombay'. Watching the movie after a break of 5 years was itself a change for me. Now I could understand why young people like me fish for opportunities abroad and fly here for those unrealised dreams.
I surely did realise mine, to get the best out of here and get back home, my motherland and do something for her! But when you see features like Bombay which is ironically not very far away from reality, man always has second thoughts. Living here for almost past two years here I have learnt there are consequences and remarks for being a brown person in a white capital! We come here with high hopes and yes they are not disappointed but why are that whatever you do, whatever you earn, whatever fun you have….you never fit in! Go ahead and get a cosmetic surgery and become white but still you are someone else whose supposed to belong somewhere else. These moments you realise how much you would respect and would want to be a perfect citizen of your nation .Coz that’s where you fit in. Well why is it that the simple truth like this suddenly seems to vanish when we step foot on similar grounds. It’s like we start taking every thing for granted. I speak of my own experiences, I fly home tomorrow and I know exactly how I would feel….yes ecstatic on one side but careless, granted on the other. I have to always remind myself before throwing a piece of garbage on the street that 'just coz I am home doesn’t mean I can litter the streets'!!! Which I would dare not do here in the F1 capital.
I always remember how my flat mate, a Nigerian told me 'whatever it is you do, a black man cannot live a life of contentment here, when I still see a few heads turn around the streets…!! Turn around not to check me out but to check if they still have their baggage\belongings right by them and not nicked away'. So why is that after all that we know these truths we still end up taking the challenge of coming down here, like my friend the Nigerian did? The answers are pretty obvious for better opportunity, comforts, future. Which thinking on a neutral basis could have been achieved in our country itself but we HUMANS fishing always for a change! Hmm change is not all we are looking for but to save ourselves from another Ayodhya riot or CET gamble. Yes, you can term me as being selfish but who isn’t?
But I get up every morning thanking the lord for everything he has given me, all the comforts and opportunities and somewhere very deep I do feel contended although away from home. I am happy, why because '19 and the all the freedom in the world` no but I am far away from another Bombay blast or the Bhopal massacre. The movie indeed had a happy ending but reality bites my friend! No Mani Ratnam to Shout Out 'CUT'!!!
The number of youngsters coming to the land of opportunities let it be the US of A or Queens country or my second home Germany is on the rise every year! Well, what can I expect when I read the Times of India e-paper everyday about the clashes of CET. I thank the lords that I kinda had a narrow escape from that agony. Sometimes sitting alone in my balcony my mind wonders thinking, 'if we are the future of the country' then what the hell are we doing sitting here thousands of miles away? Then another thought comes, if I do get back will I make any difference, no let me rephrase 'can I make any difference'?!?!
When I sit sometimes talking to my friend Andreas, I call him the 'Latino hunk'! About my country and the problems! Because it’s not very different for him either coming from a troubled country like Ecaudor. He simply says 'my hair would grey sooner if I think so much' and ends up dragging me to a party. SO again, are we the future of the nation? These unanswered questions frustrates me soooo….I get back to actually solving the most obvious answered question 'what is the structure of polyvinylchloride?
3 Kommentare:
Hallo Narmada,
ich habe etwas geschriben, aber es ist so lang für Kommentar und ist auf Deutsch, ich hoffe, dass du mich verstehen kannst.
Ich überlegen jeden Tag, ob ich die Zukunft von meinem Land verändern kann, in den letzten Tagen habe ich viel Nachrichten darüber gelesen und wie immer sie sind nicht so ermutigend. Als ich hier gekommen bin, hatte ich die Absicht, um hier zu bleiben und eine bessere Zukunft zu bauen, aber lohnt es sich? Ich frage mich jetzt. Ich bin seit fast zwei Jahre in Deutschland und ich fühle mich nicht wohl hier ich vermisse meine Familie und die gute Leute, vielleicht werde ich da nicht so viel Geld wie hier aber ich bin glücklich da, das ist, was ich suche.
Mein neues Ziel ist jetzt, dass ich alle die Erfahrungen von dieser ganz unterschiedlichen Kultur, die Deutsche Kultur, sammeln muss, und dann die gute von den filtere. Wie z.B. die gute Organisation, die gute Qualität, und werde ich nach Heim zurückkommen und ich versuche das implementieren.
Narmada, ich glaube NIEMAND sieht eine gute Zukunft aber ich glaube, wir müssen positiv denken, vielleicht kann ich nicht alle Probleme der Welt lösen aber ich werde das versuchen, und vielleicht jemand sieht, was ich gemacht habe und hoffentlich macht er das selbe. Ich kann nicht warten bis die Politiker alle die Probleme lösen.
In Bezug auf das Problem mit den weißen Leute, die meisten die Lateinamerikaner denken daran, dass die Deutsche rassistisch sind, und ich bin mit diesen Gedanke angekommen, und nach Zwei Jahre kann ich dir sagen, dass wir rassistischer sind.
Jetzt arbeite ich mit viele Weiße und ich hatte überhaupt kein Problem mit den darüber, was sie denken, ist dass ich nicht gute Bildung in Ecuador hätte, und ich arbeite jeden Tag, um das Gegenteil zu zeigen
Bilde kein Gedanke gegen die Weißen, weil sie wahr werden könnten!
Wie Bayo ein Mal gesagt hat, „mach was du kannst“, aber ich komplettiere das, „du kannst alle machen, nichts ist unmöglich“ und wenn ich das nicht schaffe, mindest kann ich sagen „ich habe das versucht“
You won't be knowing me, but stumbled across your blog by accident. It seems that staying away from our "beloved" India is giving you all sorts of notions as to where you stand in the middle of all things. If you stay up-to-date with the current proceedings then you must have heard of the current reservation system introduced. If a country is willing to disown its own intellectuals simply on the basis of caste and sorts of crap then I am sorry but there's no hope and everyone would be willing to flee such a place asap. You can never do anything for a country like India and I can tell you this from experience since I ahve spent half my life abroad travelling from China to Austria, but come what may however hard one tries to elevate the sense of well being amongst us Indians, the system always gives you a sudden jolt.
I have posted a blog on the same issue myself and would be happy if you could go thru the same :)
Neways be happy that you are far from India for the present and avail every opportunity to remain so as long as you can PS no individual owes anything to his/her country if the latter is unwilling to acknowledge your calibre.
Take care
Have my project review in a few days will give you further details soon. Btw its nice to finally have somebody oppose my views ;) Wait for my next reply
PS good choice of music :)
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