It’s me again what did you expect? Angelina Jolie(satisfy yourself with the picture), wait for the ladies ‘Johnny Depp’ not a bad idea isn’t it. Hmm…this makes me question again as always. I look at the one healthy low calorie apple on my table and also look at the juicy candy bar lying exactly 10 cm away from it. The juicy candy satisfies the craving of the tongue, the senses but adds another inch to my waist, which I happened to reduce by stretching my body into impossible knots with the help of yoga. (I just wish here that the ‘man in the box’ doesn’t pop up and deny this)….for the people scratching their scalps out, I say you can stop, it’s referred to a friend of mine. Well back to the point, now the innocent apple ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’, heard of that right. Well it would make my body healthier but it would taste like crap thank you very much. So I go for the temporary pleasure and choose the candy. Well, I do say out loud to myself ‘who gives a crap to my curves?’ but my mind is shouting out totally something else. Lets see, for example we immediately tend to like someone who looks close to Brad Pitt the mister perfect smile, body and smell but when it comes to a short, fat man with geeky glasses we always give it a second thought. It doesn’t actually matter if the mister perfect is crap. We kinda force ourselves to like him although he might be a pig. For our geeky man we can only say that take a walk. Sure he would have the best of humour and thoughts to stimulate your mind but no….our bodily cravings are always much more important. We Homo sapiens settle fro temporary pleasure, yeah one way I agree why not who’s sure of tomorrow, today? With movies like ‘Day after tomorrow’, scare the crap out of people. Well, coming back to the point now, your looks and bodily appearance plays such a important role today. No wonder we spend more that 30€ per month on shopping only for clothes. Not to forget the hair cuts, colouring, fitness centre, Botox treatment and what not, thanks to people like us all possible beauty related industry is cashing in. Did you know that if you’re cute enough, you can end up with your dream job? Just have a nice arse and the young geeky store clerk will give you ‘unknown super discounts’. Nice life isn’t it, and all this for what my skin looks better than the others. The point is that "Have we lost ourselves so much in this materialistic world that thoughts and idea don’t stimulate us no more but great arse does"?. Yes!it is indeed a difficult situation going up to a stranger and talking about topics that might stimulate your minds. You might either get easily ignored or that person might go off to the toilet never to come back to your stimulation saga or you might actually end being lucky and find someone who you really connect with. We have always known the fact that ‘beauty is only skin deep’ then why do we always quote the skin with layers to make it prettier? Probably is very easy to say but I am sure I would wake up tomorrow morning and coat my skin as well with some cream. Easy to write in but practicality is indeed hard, c’mon me a homo sapien as well. If you’re the one now nodding your head and saying no way I don’t give a damn to looks, I am sure a part of you which bought you to read this article till here was the picture to start with. See, we are unconsciously built into this world around with the notion that ‘Naomi Campbell, Heidi Clum, Josh Hartnett, Will Smith are the definitions of beauty. What if our earlier geeky man was crowned the ‘sexiest man alive’ and we would have been bought in a society where everyone thought, fat arse, bald head and huge nose was sexy. When you think about it, we never inquired ourselves what beauty actually is but we grew up on the preconceived notion on it. This is probably one of the topics where our opinions didn’t matter at all, one day somebody told us ‘hey boy this is what beauty is about’ and we simply agreed.
Hmm…like Murphy said ‘beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes to the bones’. Makes sense, isn’t it? Well does this mean we are supposed to quit flirting with the ‘gorgeous Spanish hunks’, coz they are well..."not beautiful", cant say that since it’s a preconceived notion but whatever they are should we stop? No of course not!!! Well as I always say my articles are always foods for the thought. Just think about it and party on.
Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is still a big mystery
Today is all we have, so rock it!
13 Kommentare:
Lol... seems like i'm the first one on this one !! And what is all this about geeks being fat and all ... cut them slack ya!! A geek can be as good looking as he wishes to be - well at least he's got the brains for it !! :P Neways coming to the point ... sure we think about beauty as the ultimate measure of desire - and its this sense of subjective perception of beauty that defines our lives - well not entirely but to a great extent. But the way you connect to someone without knowing what he/she looks like gives you that sense of warmth and giddiness that you realise you're into something worthwhile and that does not bud from your urgency and desire for beauty. I know this all might sound way overboard but who cares ? We know that no matter how hard we try we're still gonna go for the Jolies and the Pitts - so what does it simmer down to? Well for all I can say now is that I know we might act shallow - but thats us !! We were meant to be so - no use pressurising urself to abandon ur desires - but only till ur aware of the extent to which a desire can metamorphose into something meaningful. And for a change (big one that is !! ) i TOTALLY agree wid Narmada ;-)
Have to go now ... will comment more later :-)
Today my day is made...finally Kshitij agrees with me!Glad i wrote this article.
Thanks dude..loved your comment.
Talk to u soon...:)
hubba hubba baahhhhhby! sorry, couldn't read the post .......yet.
"as I always say my articles are always foods for the thought." ...well , lets just say that my thought had a pretty good dinner tonight ... interesting post, well written :)
Hey thanks Kunal, nice you enjoyed your dish!Hope it wasnt too spicy:)
Maniac saab!u commented in without reading the post..wats the point then? Thanks anyway.
i prefer spicy :)
I guess you have generalized the whole thing too far. Looks are important, but whats wrong if they are? Coz its not the ONLY thing. Its like among the various other things it is just one more thing that adds to our perspective of someone. Now importance of it may change with time,situtation and age. like may be if I am to see someone for just for a week I would rather prefer someone more blessed with looks than intellect, but if 'am in looking for a companion it would be otherwise. It depends on what mood or state we are.
So girl like the other things...school subjects,office work, sports,movies etc. This is also one thing the relevance of which is variable on lot of factors and perspective. Let it be.
As orkut says(in a holistic way) - Stay beautiful.
All said and done, jolie is very hot :).
Dude..i know i generalized it. Thats my style of writing :D.
Thanks fro commenting in. So yen samachara?
Haan..will stay beautiful,u dont worry abt that :P
Can't really agree with the comment about you losing inches :) Just Kidding.
Moti, you look perfectly fine the way you are.
Well, don't quite agree with everything in the blog. A bit too much of generalization! But dont want to get into a discussion about that. You also forgot to mention "charm" and other important things that makes one attractive, for example smell and hygiene etc.
I think looks are important but as with everything else, its not "the only thing"! Anyhow finding somebody hot is very relative. You find somebody hot and gorgeous. Lets say you are in a relationship with this person for 4-5 years. You will probably still find this person good looking and everything. BUT you will not find him or her hot anymore, atleast not as much as earlier. Thats why a lot of relationships suffer from a crisis after a few years.
Its important to find a soulmate. Not a bodymate. A relationship which is based only on passion and lust for the skin will not last very long. The reasons for this are complex, for example our hormones etc.
But if you dont find your partner attractive, then you probably wont have a successfull relationship either.
And the definition of attractive is very vague. Taste, culture and self realization play a big role in that. Thats why you will find people with different definitions of attractive and hot.
The good thing is that at the end of the day you will find your soulmate. The chances are huge since we have so many people whom we come across these days of mobility and "communities".
The most important thing though in life is, that you find yourself attractive and are at peace with your looks.
In diesme Sinne, enjoy your chocolate Moti!
Greetings from Pfullingen
hello narmada. Just read yer comments. thanks. keep commenting. Sarcasm will be taken in the right 'amout of spirit'. hehehe.
FINALLY found time to read this post. It's hilarious and at the same time very true. Nice read. You are good! Keep posting. Gonna keep track for sure.
P.S : orkut id?
Good One!!!
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