Heard of something called "mood swings"....that’s happening quiet a lot to me now a days. Did you ever sit and wonder how smallest things can influence your mind? However hard you try to keep it under control like a tamed puppy but it still wanders off and sets its own rules.
Meditation is actually the daily part of my routine and I take time out to sit down for 10 minutes and ask myself “how are you today?” Before I even complete that question, the mind wonders off to thinking about what’s happening this weekend? or did I finish my Protocol? It is indeed saddening that we have lost in touch with ourselves. We have lost the patience we had. Believe me, we had all the patience in the world, the problem is we don’t remember it anymore.
The transport system here in Germany is indeed the best. When I say best I mean excellent. We have buses coming at 12:59 or 22:14. Every minute counts here. Today morning the bus came in at 14:00 instead of 13:57. The first reactions around at 13:58 looking at the watch for 5 times in the last 10 seconds, half a minute later walking around showing impatience, then at 13:59 start bitching about the system. It wasn’t any German but the reactions coming out were from me. I guess I have the guts at least to admit this fact, so now don’t think of me as some over pricey chick. Well, i still remember my dad used to refuse to send me to college with the car or with my driver. I had to take the bus like everybody else. There I waited for the bus for nearly half an hour or sometimes even more. I had no complains then. Life was indeed simpler in ways undefined. I did indeed complain but who gives a damn. I could never change the whole system with my two tiny hands. Interesting was to know that then I had the patience to with stand the pressure. But now not only me but everybody’s loosing it. Tell me how many times you sit in front of your laptop and open a website and that pages opens up after say 3minutes. Oh god…have you sat beside people who are waiting for that page to open up in 3 minutes. 3minutes now a day looks like 3 hours. We have just lost being patient and being satisfied with what we have. Very sad indeed but we always have something or the other to do, somewhere to run, some bus to catch. Running, running but for what? Now this is indeed a very philosophical question. Lemme not get into this now.
Last week my friend asked me what plans I had for the weekend. I said nothing. All of a sudden he felt sorry for me. Strangely, coz I had nothing to do, when he would be somewhere in a dumpster or with his head in the toilet totally wasted. Now people somehow call that life. I have nothing against it, I do party way too much sometimes but I always sit down and draw my line. At least I sit down to draw something; most of us don’t even have the time to do that. Seems like we have lost the true understanding of just ‘being with oneself’. Remember the last time you just went on a walk just by yourself. Without any iPOD, friends or a dog. I am sure you would laugh at me and ask why would anyone do that? In someway we all have a fear of getting lost on our own and don’t want to exihibit to the world. Lost in this messed up world, where simplicity has lost its appeal. So we always hold on to something, just to stay clear that we are alright and normal. If u just wonder around and smile at the trees changing colours at this time of the year, people might turn around and say ‘awwwww’!!! Define that ‘awww’ the way you want to. I know my definition already. Now a days it’s totally normal to be selfish, kill someone and say sorry, back stab your best friend and say you actually didn’t mean it that way. The more the impatient we get, the more we tend to walk into this messed up world, the further we walk on… more we realise ‘how fucked up, it is?’ but probably we would be sooo lost then that we cant find our way back.
I am sad that we are running so fast and determined that we are all missing out on the small diamonds on the way. Time for oneself is today some unknown ‘x’ to the power ‘y’ factor. After running all this way and at some point we stop, right!! But do we realise that we forgot to pick those ‘precious stones’ on the way. Just coz we were chasing some truck loaded with just STONES!!!
10 Kommentare:
Very nice post. You(this is my general style of addressing, dont take it personally) tend to take things for granted after sometime. That's why you got impatient when things dont happen on time.
Indeed one needs to take time out for oneself and explore his inner self. I always thought association with arts was one the best ways to do that. People have to realise that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.
well dear lady,u seem to hav the cake,cream,icing n lots more ..yet u always find a reason to complain..be it ur complains wid ur dad,or weather,interview.the list just goes on ..i wud strongly suggest u to hav a positive outlook at life and for once appreciate the good things in ur life..
Hey man!That is soooo true you wrote in!Love that 'Hapiness is the way'
Well for the anonymous, wich i am sure is a lady. you have tooootally misunderstood what i am writin about here. I really have no complains in life. Yes i do complain about the weather at times but thats it. My life is more than perfect, what i address here are normal thoughts/issues of human beings which no-one gives a thgh to anymore. By writing this i love kindling the minds to think more. Sorry for you that you have my writings. BUt everybody has their unique way of thght...no offense.Write what you thought. Nobody wakes up in the morning wiht a big sunshine smile on the face,like i do!Try to remind people here that you could dat as well. YOu anonymous lady..goes for you too ;)
Forgot to say, thanks for commenting in guys.Motivates to question my thoughts and write in more.
ummm nice views :-)
I'm back !! :) so u want motivation eh? well here goes ... i totally agree that we have lost sight of the really precious details of life that we ought to treasure, but (u knew a 'but' was coming didn't ya? ;-) ) it's become a way of life. I am not saying that - its life deal with it - all I am suggesting is that if you want to take notice and gather all those precious facets of life, you need to slow down in your track of life and believe me baccha, if you slow down the cut-throat competition in today's world will gobble you up in no time. But still I pity our lives, what we as a people have grown into - materialistic and hardened by time ... its really sad .... but kudos to your effort for admitting to the fact and making everyone reading your post introspect and see what they are missing and at what cost !! Though I do not have a hat right now ..but still HATS OFF TO YOU ;-)
Btw I have more comments.... but want to see how you react to this one :P
Dude...you are the best!!!Trust me you are!
I totally agree to what you say. But (u saw that comin as well huh?!):P my views were just to awaken ppl and just show them that there is more to life than just chasing the 'stones'!We have to run no doubt but probably in the future when we run, i would love to pick up those precious things along and probably jog.
More views are mooooost welcome. YOu have always been someone, who always has a 'BUT' in the sentence. Totally love it that u have it. Afterall whats life if you dont 'Question your thoughts and walk on the road of contentment'
Kudos to you. :)
In a world that was suffering and could not care less, the Beatles emerged and stirred up a revolution that we still applaud till date. If John Lennon's words in "Imagine" did not go in vain, I believe your thoughts will be appreciated too .... its hard to follow a path that is full of hurdles but it is even harder to choose such a path. Well you showed us the path to pursue - its now upto us to make the decision whether we want to give our crappy excuses of what we call 'practicality' and play a blame game about who's 'complaining' ;-) or acknowledge a fault and at least try to go "beyond horizons..." (that was for you kiddo) :-) Just listen to Lennon's 'Imagine' and you'll see
I have no words to that comment! Jus a smile and read your email! so i know how you feelin readi this article. Wont say thank u..u dont like it!!
well..i will surely listen to the song...
I have no words to that comment! Jus a smile and read your email! so i know how you feelin readi this article. Wont say thank u..u dont like it!!
well..i will surely listen to the song...:)
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