Sitting 1000miles with ‚f***ed up internet connection hard been able to keep in touch with the happenings around the world. Especially what’s been happening in India? I had to read one of the forwards to realise the true pain of the situation going on with the students in India. I still haven’t got the whole essence of the problem. But I just can’t believe that our Government is so screwed up to lead our ‘future of the nations’ to this hell hole.
I am talking about the protests that are going around India because of the reservations system. I am thinking this started off with the AIIM’s (a Medical College in New Delhi). Unbelievable, how we are treated as animals and not as humans anymore. I guess the time to destroy oneself has finally come. We need no ‘Alien attack’ like the one in Independence Day. Has the world lost its sanity? I am really disappointed and equally frustrated coz sitting thousands of miles away all I can do is watch and grind my teeth. I think we are all more than comfortable here to even think about issues like this. Well I don’t blame myself but what could we do, if the ‘screwed up’ Government of ours is not going to wake up to all the protest and insanity going around. But I am really happy that we finally opened our eyes to the unjust going around. Students be it, I am glad that somebody stood up. To give you all better insight into what’s going on I am pasting a letter written by a junior doctor who’s around looking and protesting to what’s been happening. Just have the patience to read it and do something if you can. Let it spreading the news or writing a letter to the President in India. (Which I am writing for sure)… our voice must be heard although yelling from Germany or Timbuktu. Every tone that hits those ‘partially deaf ears’ of our Indian Government matters, so SCREAM.
Here’s the letter……
Dear friends please spend some time to read this. U can make a
As u all guys know that there have been lot of protests going on
against the raise in reservations. All of us struggle for months and
years to make our dreams come true; No body in the government is bothered
about that. This new policy of govt will be a major road block in the
development of our nation and creation of a caste free society. I want to
share some developments occurring here with respect to this issue.
Abt 2 weeks back the Students Union ( SU ) of AIIMS ( UGs and
Interns ) started the protests. they held peaceful march. Their main demand
was to meet Honbl. Arjun Singh and to express their concern regarding
the hike in reservations. What they got in return. Water canons, tear
gas shells and Lathis. Some of the interns who were beaten were my
friends and I could see their injury marks. Worse, some were girls. Sad isn’t
it ? Well next few days due to their constant struggle they could get
to meet Dr Arjun Singh. No positive response was obtained. He however
promised that before sending the bill to cabinet, he would inform the SU.
The students continued to boycott their classes. Other medical colleges
of Delhi also joined. We Resident Doctors of AIIMS however were not
actively participating. We wore black badges and attended few rallies.
12 th May saw a new beginning. Our medical students were brutally
assaulted by Delhi police. Injured were brought to AIIMS. Fracture hand
bone, head injury, blunt trauma abdomen with intra-abdominal bleed; >
300 students were manhandled including girls, stuffed in buses and taken
to police station. I remember the dialogue from RDB. This incident will
prove to be a final nail in coffin for our Congress Govt. At around 3
pm the Resident Doctors Association ( RDA ) of AIIMS announced an
indefinite strike. All Junior Residents ( Acad or Non-acad ) & Senior
Residents boycotted. Protest rally was organized that day.
13 th may was the worst day in the history of our Indian
Independence and so called Democracy. Medical Students of Mumbai were beaten like
animals. Infect animals also are never treated like this. Every body
would have witness the brutality of the Mumbai Police.17 - 18 year old
medical students were beaten up. Future of our country treated like this?
And these are the same Police Men who come to our OPD and ask for
preferential treatment. Shame on them. And listen to what Bhujbal said on TV.
I thought we need a real RDB now. This incident triggered the
suppressed fire in each and every individual. We at AIIMS went on INDEFINITE
HUNGER STRIKE from 14 th morning joined by medical students from MAMC
Delhi, Lady Harding, RML Hosp, Rohtak Medical College . Slowly the fire
spread to different states of our country. You know what happened in Blore.
Calcutta, Orissa, Chattisgarh, Gujrat, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala boiled
in protests. Students of Delhi University ( BSc BCom...) also joined
the strike
The hunger strike in AIIMS continues. More than 100 students and
residents are sitting in the heat since 14 th mornings just on plain
water. Believe me we slept in the open last night empty stomach. Its only
when rain started pouring we had go inside the auditorium and slept there.
The IMA has announced complete medical bandh today ( 15 th may ).
Doctors from all over Delhi have come to AIIMS and are holding protests.
IITs and IIMs have joined the strike. Even patients and their attendees
were of full support towards this cause. One man said," My father is
admitted in NS department and is fighting for his life and death, but I
declare that I have no objection with ur strike. I support ur movement
and the cause for which u re fighting. Our country needed this."
All of us know what is right and what is wrong. Having said that I
feel that each one of us should follow our conscience. I ve written this
message because I felt there are many of who might not be aware of the
exact situation. I request each one of u to please forward this to all
ur friends, Medicos or Non-medicos. Every common man needs to be aware
of the injustice and should be involved in this effort.
This Movement will be a revolution in our independent country and
will be the most significant event after the British Rule. It will be the
cause for the rewriting of Indian Constitution where just and
meritorious people are not singled out and put to taste the adversities and
someone else enjoys the benefit.
The government cannot hide its inadequacies in providing equal
opportunities to the under privileged in rural areas by increasing the
reservations. They have ruled the country for so many decades and if in this
time they are not able to provide equality in primary and secondary
education for Indian citizens they cannot mask their failure by
providing reservations at each and every level. It’s ridiculous. The whole issue
of reservations was a political gimmick of the present govt to garner
Its time that things are not taken for granted by any one. Let it be
a senior minister police or anyone else. Whole of our nation needs to
get aware of the amount of hard work and sacrifice we put to achieve our
dreams. We should not allow anyone to make a mockery of our struggle in
Thank U Friends.
Dr Kiran,
Junior Resident,
Internal Medicine,
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences,
New Delhi
5 Kommentare:
Read the interview of Arjun Singh with Karan thapar on CNNIBN here: http://www.ibnlive.com/news/decision-on-quota-is-final-the-chapter-is-closed/11063-4.html.
You'll feel more pathetic after this. I guess Mr. Singh needs a RDB kinda treatment, thats the suggestion my blog.
I actually saw the interview on CNN IBN - twas being broadcast the day i was leaving for vienna - u should have seen the sweat on arjub singh's face when he was beinmg battered with karan thapar's questions lol am sure he must have wet his pants lol at one moment in time i felt like taking the TV and smashing it to the ground - Arjun singh's such a loser he can't even commit to what he's been representing for the past few days - bloody hypocrite.
not fair !! i started off my blog raising the same issue - and u told me to quit bitching about india and concentrate on more moderate stuff .... and here u are after approx a month since then writing on the same subject and representing the same sentiment i demonstrated. (guess u finally realised how fucked up the whole situation is :P) well i won't bitch abt this now :) and yeah the ppl in India have gone deaf - I mean just look at the numbers protesting - its too small to affect any sort of revolution in the govt. policy .... the govt has clearly stated when they didn't allow a 'medha patkar' to stand in their way what can a bunch of 20 year olds do .... and to be fair to them - they're right .... its inaction in our society that breeds all these problems - ppl sensationalise issues and don't bother after that - to the media its all a means of attacking the govt. and 'fulfilling their duty to the nation' - bollocks i say - all the media is concerned abt is the more the sensational news the more is the hype and publicity they get. As for our dear friends on a hunger strike - grow up !! when will u realise that india is fucked up big time and that ur efforts will be in vain - i mean everyday one of u goes down fainting - does arjun singh give a fuck ?? NO !! did that arse ever make any efforts to stop the strike ?? no, coz that wud mean bowing down and acknowledging the fact that its all a political gimmick .... i could write realms on this subject but whatäs the use ?? a few ppl would read in ... even fewer wud comment in and then all of us would just let it pass as a thing of the past not affecting us directly.... am not blaming you for this kinda attitude, in fact i'll behave in the same way .... but just think if we - who are not directly affected from this policy are so pissed off - what of those students whose careers are at stake ?
Sorry yaar for being a bit edgy in the comment but feeling a bit pissed off at the typical Indian mentality .... will write in some more insightful comments later .... take care till then :)
tell u what .... to hell wid this whole issue .... no use discussing coz we very well know nothing's gonna happen .... though am sorry for accusing u :P india's gonna lose big time and its already in the offing but neways there's always a silver lining and i believe that these protests have stirred up a common sentiment that goes beyond the borders of caste and into the realms of humanity and brotherhood .... pathetic - true .... but not gonna give up so soon :) its our country too :) - surprised to hear that na ;)
hmmm .... seems like i'm the only one visiting this blog - not even the owner is interested :P .... to some more news on the reservation issue front - Supreme Court intervened and asked the protestors to call the strike off and issued a notice to the govt. demanding a clearly laid out plan for implementing the whole proposal. that is all for today .... wait for more news later :)
Tat's really nice :)
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